We all usually do a great deal of preparations and planning before undertaking a trip/ vacation though hardly think about ways for a smooth return home.
What to do to make your after vacation come-back easy? Here is a list of helpful tips.
Organize Your Home
Foremost, is to leave your home in a neat and tidy condition. Packing does lead to a disorderly state where clothes and things are strewn all over the place. No matter how hectic our schedule maybe due to last minute shopping or attending work calls, it’s best to keep aside some time for clearing and organizing your home.
Begin by putting the clothes and items lying around back in the cup-boards or in their original places. Next, make the beds. After all, who doesn’t long to come back from a wonderful though exhausting holiday to a neat and tidy home.
Clear the Clutter
Coming to the kitchen – make sure that no dirty vessels are left on the table or sink, as that is something quite unhygienic. A basic cleaning of the counter top is adequate for you to quickly prepare a meal! Also any left over food must be finished off or removed before departing and not stored in the fridge. Dispose off all kitchen and other garbage. Nothing uplifts our mood more than cleanliness!
Contact Neighbours/ Friends
It’s a good idea to let a close friend or neighbor know about your travel plans, who can contact you in case a need arises. Probably give them a spare set of keys of your house as well. Additionally, it’s ok to ask them for help and delegate tasks, like taking care of plants etc.
Make sure to pay all your regular bills – electricity, phone etc., so that you don’t have to worry about that in the midst of a vacation if you’ve forgotten . This is all the more important if you’re going for a longer time of more than twenty days and to avoid any inconveniences later on.
Take a Day to Rest
Plan in such a way that a day or two is in buffer after you return. Getting proper rest before the commencement of office or school is essential. The best way to get over jetlag is to take a warm shower, light aromatic candles and sleep for few hours no matter what time of the day it is. This does wonders in helping you to recharge quickly.
You are sure to bring back a pile of dirty clothes from your travel, as laundry is not possible everytime during or soon afterwards . As such, before going, keep some necessary clean clothes ready as those are the first things you would need when you are back home. Also unpacking the suitcases can be pushed to later on and need not be done immediately.

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