As in every sphere of our existence , so also in travel, things may occasionally go wrong and you may not be prepared for it. Unexpected happenings may unnerve travelers. Nevertheless these should be taken in our stride as learning experiences. After all, every cloud has a silver lining. In this blog few travelers have shared their travel experiences where they were caught in unfavorable situations. Ways to deal with them and the humor that emerges from such episodes are worth sharing.
Weather can be an unpredictable aspect, and when on a holiday it can make or mar your trip. Even though travelers always check the ideal time to visit a place, but has nature ever been in our control?
“One such damper was a short two-day trip to Pondicherry. Reached the sea-side town in the Bay of Bengal – late in the night to clear, starry sky. However, the next day’s weather was a complete contrast , as we woke up to skies overcast with dense, dark clouds! Keeping our fingers crossed and hoping for the gloomy clouds to melt away. Nothing of that sort happened though and in a short while , it started pouring!
With not much luck – the weather God’s were unrelenting!! It was only by evening did the intensity of the downpour decrease gradually. As the program was for just two days, bouncing out of our despair, decided to at least venture out for a short rendezvous around. Unprepared for this eventuality, and with no rain gear, the first stop that we hunted for was an umbrella store.
Eventually, equipped with umbrellas and an enthusiasm to match, we headed to the main Puducherry beach area. Traversing the rocky boulevard of the beach, balancing umbrellas over our heads, with the choppy waves of the grey sea lashing against the rocks and pitter patter raindrops, this turned out to be a wet, adventurous experience. What was anticipated as a warm, sunny holiday to a beach-side, became a rainy getaway to Pondicherry . ”
“Sometimes things go wrong in travel ! That’s where real adventure begins”
A similar incident, of having to deal with the vagaries of nature occurred during the new year’s firework celebration in Sydney. The area surrounding the Harbor and the famous Bridge is the venue of this grand spectacle . There is always a mammoth crowd and seats have to be blocked in advance. People wait since early noon, on the grassy lawns to reserve a premier viewing spot , bearing the harsh rays of the sun and the noisy, teeming crowds. Some had even come prepared for a picnic, with a food basket, their mats spread out , thinking they’ll ring in the new year, celebrating with family and friends.
Imagine their anguish, when out of nowhere, thunderous showers came splattering down, just as the initial water show was about to begin. What a timing!! Utter confusion prevailed – as people scurried for shelter, leaving their prime positions, though the wiser ones with rain gears stayed put. It was indeed a hilarious sight. The incessant rains continued for some more time, at length ceasing as suddenly as it started, prior to the main program.
Finally, the fantastic firework display did take place amidst the excited, cheering spectators. Additionally, the goodness, such incidences bring to the fore is laudable. The helpful attitude of people, are exemplary – a lady, who handed over her umbrella to children getting drenched, as she didn’t wish to stay back and was returning home.
What to Do – Get into the habit of carrying umbrellas or raincoat and if possible an extra pair of clothes. These are really useful in unforeseen situations, particularly if you’re going for a whole day trip. A superior quality rucksack to fit all these is a mandatory requirement.
Also, while planning a trip, keep into consideration the best season to visit and weather forecast during that time.
If you’ve just landed in your dream destination and are just checking into your hotel. Exhausted after a long flight, you’re waiting anxiously with kids and family for the check-in formalities to be over. Rest and sleep are the top requirement at the moment, when to your disbelief you’re informed that your credit card, is not working. On the second attempt also `transaction declined’ error message was displayed. This is what happened with an acquaintance, who was left high and dry in a foreign country.
Any attempt to contact their bank back home was declined as it was still early morning there. An awkward situation no doubt, but fortunately, the hotel management were kind enough to let the guests in, giving them the grace time of few hours to complete the payment.
What to Do – Always, have an additional credit card with you and also carry some amount of cash in the local currency. Before departing, let the bank know of your travel plan.
When You’re Late for your flight in spite of reaching the airport punctually.
Having reached the airport quite in advance as you usually do, you’re quite relaxed to find just a handful of people at the check-in. Stopping at a café for breakfast, by the time you finish, you notice there are more people in the queue now. You proceed to join them. The person at the counter seems to be taking ages and you heave a sigh of relief when your turn finally comes.
As you are handed over your passes, you’re perturbed when told, “ Sir, you’ve got to hurry up….it takes 20 minutes from here to reach the gates” . This was the least you expected. Wondering whether airports have transformed into mini city nowadays?
As you hurry, and are minutes away from the gates, you hear an announcement calling out your name, requesting you to reach as quickly as possible as the plane is ready for departure. Nervous, almost running now, you enter the fully packed aircraft, to the amused, cynical look of passengers.
What to Do – The day prior to your flight, check details and logistic of the airport. Airports are becoming massive, all-encompassing, having not just eateries and shops but entertainment points as well, almost equivalent to a mall . Distances within the airport may be quite a lot, so plan accordingly.
Everything cannot always be smooth sailing and perfect. It’s not always when travel goes wrong. Be Prepared. Be Vigilant. And you’ll sail through!!

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